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HULLU 6 Month

SKU: 110

In Stock

Original price was: 29.19 €.Current price is: 26.75 €.

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  • Products per Page: The dropdown selector lets the user choose how many products to display on the page (12, 24, or 36). The selection is passed via a GET request, and the action modifies the WooCommerce query to set the number of products displayed per page.


  • Pagination: This code adds pagination using WooCommerce’s built-in functionality but styles it to match your design. The function generates the necessary HTML for pagination.
  • Products per Page: The dropdown selector lets the user choose how many products to display on the page (12, 24, or 36). The selection is passed via a GET request, and the action modifies the WooCommerce query to set the number of products displayed per page.
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